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A kit to make your own chocolate lollipops at home!
Everything you need to make milk chocolate chocolate lollipops:
a chocolate mold, lollipop sticks, 200g of Belgian milk chocolate, and complete
instructions. Spend fun moments learning how to work easily with chocolate and
treat yourself!
The milk chocolate included in this kit will make
approximately 10 lollipops. The mold included is reusable, you can get more chocolate
and use it again and again.
Please note the aspect of the chocolate mold can vary according
to availability.
Est-ce qu’on doit faire le tempérage du votre chocolat?
Merci pour votre réponse.
Le chocolat est déjà tempéré, donc si vous le faites fondre doucement au micro-onde il gardera son tempérage. Faites-le fondre a moitie, puis laissez-le reposer en mélangeant toutes les quelques minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit complètement fondu. En figeant de nouveau dans le moule il sera tempéré!
The dark chocolate and red berries bar
2 reviews
Regular price
Save $-8.79
A chocolate bar of smooth dark Belgian chocolate with red berries: strawberries, raspberries and cranberries. The smooth bitterness of the rich dark chocolate pairs perfectly with the acidity and freshness of the red berries.
Perfect to say "I love you berry much!" this bar comes in a fun envelope that can be personalized for a sweet gift.
This chocolate bar is part of our collection of exclusive bars, also available in gift boxes of 3 or 5 bars. Not everyone always wants dessert, but there’s always room for a little square of chocolate goodness!
Cette tablette de chocolat est succulente et je ne me sens pas trop coupable lorsque j'en mange car c'est du chocolat noir.
Chocolate-caramel brittle: hazelnut and puffed rice
3 reviews
Regular price
Save $-8.25
Crunchy pieces of caramel and milk chocolate, with roasted hazelnuts
and puffed rice.
These brittles are made in our Chocolate Lab with sheets of
our crunchy caramel that we dip in Belgian milk chocolate full of roasted
hazelnuts and crispy puffed rice.
Our brittles are an intensely chocolatey treat full of nutty
flavor that are sure to make you swoon!
Pour toutes les personnes souhaitant ajouter de la magie à leur dessert !
Nous sommes de grands rêveurs et nous aimons apporter toujours plus de folie à nos desserts ! C'est la raison pour laquelle nous avons créé des garnitures plus gourmandes les unes ques les autres ajoutant de la saveur, du croustillant et un côté éclaté partout où nous les mettons !
Ces petites brisures de crêpes sont un vrai régal! Juste assez sucrées et croustillantes, elle ajoute une texture originale et délicieuse!
Vous verrez, les garnitures gourmandes, c’est la petite touche magique à vos desserts qui fait que chaque bouchée pétille en bouche !
On les saupoudre sur nos tartinades, nos fondues au chocolat, nos brownies, nos gâteaux, dans un bol de yaourt le matin, sur la crème glacée … la liste est longue !
Chocolate-caramel brittle: white chocolate and orange
5 reviews
Regular price
Save $-8.25
Of all our brittles, this one is the most original: sweet
and creamy white chocolate around bitter orange zests and crunchy caramel
shards, for a delicious balance.
We let caramel sheets harden then we sprinkle orange zests and
pour Belgian white chocolate over them before breaking them into crunchy brittle
These brittles make for a delicious snacking treat that’s at
ounce sweet and bitter, crunchy and smooth!
Ces éclats sont bons, assez sucrés mais l'orange fait un équilibre avec le sucre.
For a present, love these
Incredible taste!
Gourmand milk chocolate gift set
1 review
Regular price
Save $0.00
A gift set that brings together some of
our most popular sweets and treats, with an emphasis on milk chocolate!
This set contains:
-a gift box of 6 brownies (intense
brownie, classic brownie, Smore’s brownie, vegan brownie, ivory brownie, and
pecan brownie)
-a milk chocolate and praline hot
chocolate bomb
-a milk chocolate fondue, 215g
-a milk chocolate bar, Ghana vintage 40%
cocoa vintage
-a jar of salted caramel
-a large milk chocolate and salted
caramel bar to break
A gift set to melt with our heavenly brownies,
to travel through your taste buds with the Ghana dark chocolate bar, to let off some steam with
by breaking the large milk chocolate bar and crunchy caramel with the hammer
(included), to be surprised by the milk chocolate bomb that opens to release
marshmallows, to cocoon with a smooth milk chocolate fondue, and to savor the
sweet and savory contrast of our famous salted caramel.
Save on these sweets as combined in
this gift set and treat a loved one to an extravagance of milk chocolate!
For fans of cookies, here is as gift set that brings together
our famously delicious monster cookies as well as a cooking mix to make the
best chocolate chip cookies at home! And for an extra dose of sweetness we
included a jar of our delicious salted caramel and a small praline rocher with crunchy
roasted hazelnuts.
This gift set includes:
-a box of 6 monster cookies with molten hearts (two Cookie-Garou
with chocolate heart, a Snow Monster cookie with marshmallow heart, a Frankencookie
with praline heart, a Dracookie with strawberry heart, and a Cookizilla with peanut
butter heart)
-a chocolate chip cookie mix
-a crunchy praline rocher
-a jar of slated caramel
Ideal for those who wish to pursue a passion for cookies (and
who doesn’t) with unique cookies with big hearts and home-made warm chocolate
chip cookies.